Update #tourdupisa: This morning two big German guys waked me up bij snoring around real loud. That was for me the good moment to get a breakfast. But when i arrived at the breakfast room there where already 100 Chinese children in the line $%^&*. After the breakfast packed my bag and ant to go… want to go but i lost my key. Allright i know myself a little so i know this would happen at least once these trip. Just search relax, don’t make worry, everything is gonna be allright. Else i can arrange some tools to force the lock. But when i was thinking of that one of that big Germans showed up, with my key. Today i had the boat from Germany to France with a real nice route near little rivers with a lot of fish and other animals. The first mountains showed up today in Colmar i used my little tent for the first time. After some relax hours i took a shower and prepare my ass for tomorrow 😉
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