Travel in Europe. This blog helps you with tips about traveling in Europe

Rotterdam cityguide travel
CountriesEuropeThe Netherlands

A beginners cityguide to Rotterdam

{GUESTBLOG by Claire} Rotterdam may be Amsterdam’s lesser known cousin but you get major cool points for visiting this modern harbour town because it’s home to chic, cosmopolitan, and just a little bit hipster, cultural hubs. From foodie frites to extensive historical adventures, Rotterdam needs to be on your next expedition…
Roadtrip Baltic states

Roadtrip Baltic states

After the ferry from Helsinki (Finland) we continued our roadtrip in the Baltic states. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. First country we visited was Estonia we booked a hostel in Tallin the capitalcity with a beautiful old town. (more…)

How to visit the Preikestolen in Norway

One of the highlights of out tour through Scaninavia was the Preikestolen. A huge rock hanging over a Fjord. When you look over the edge you can look 600 meter down! Other names for the Preikestolen are Preacher’s Pulpit or Pulpit Rock. (more…)

Roadtrip Scandinavia and wildcamping

I went from The Netherlands to Norway by bicycle, got injured on my TourduEurope and decided to do a part of the Europe trip by car and do a Roadtrip Scandinavia via the Baltic states to Poland. A friend and I took the car drove as fast to Norway where the…
Legevakta Trondheim

New “adventure”

At the last restday in Trondheim I felt something in my left thigh. It felt like a strained muscle I thought after the warm-up it will be ok. But when I cycled further the pain became even worse. I had to go back to the apartment for some extra rest. (more…)
Cycling Oslo Trondheim Norway

Cycling in Norway

You’ve seen the picture above right?! This week I cycled from Oslo to Trondheim. It was crazy hard but beautiful, cyling in Norway as I expected! It was cold windy, sunny and warm. All what you can think about cycling in Norway were in these days. (more…)
Cycling Stockholm Olso

Cycling from Stockholm to Oslo

Last week I cycled from Stockholm in Sweden to Oslo in Norway. This was the most beautiful week so far. Lot of nature. Different landscapes and some crazy unpaved routes. In Stockholm I had a great apartment where I could prepare meals. So the evening before I went cycling again I…