{GUESTBLOG by Claire} Rotterdam may be Amsterdam’s lesser known cousin but you get major cool points for visiting this modern harbour town because it’s home to chic, cosmopolitan, and just a little bit hipster, cultural hubs. From foodie frites to extensive historical adventures, Rotterdam needs to be on your next expedition…
In one week #TourduEurope: tailwind brought me from the Netherlands to Copenhagen On day one I had company of my friend Rick. He cycled the first few hours with me till Apeldoorn. He wanted to try my bike so I gave him my bike just before Apeldoorn. There is a nice…
A lot of people ask me what I bring on a big cycletrip like this. In the article below I’ll show you the list what I bring on this trip. I did two cycling holidays before (one month each) but never this long so I’m curious as well! My bicycle Starting…
I booked my ticket back to Europe so I could see two weddings of my friends in 2015! But in between I have 5 months to travel. In 2013 and 2014 I cycled in Europa. Once to Pisa (#TourduPisa) and once to Berlin (#TourduGermany) and back. But I have still much…
I booked a ticket 1.5 months ago and only 3 persons knew I came home. So in two days I could suprise family and friends. I don’t have all the reactions and persons on picture but I got all the memories in my head! It was one of my best days…
This month I’m traveling for 12 months, like 365 days! I always said, I’ll go and see how long it will be. I didn’t had a goal to stay away for long. I just wanted to travel and do want I want to do. This was my first big backpacktrip and…
Last Wednesday I visited the doctor again for a reapeat vaccination. I had my travelplan ready so he can check how much malaria pills I need for my trip. After that he asked if I was already vaccinated for Rabies. No I’m not. So i’ve to make another three appointments for…
Finaly finished my short movie! This summer i biked from Amsterdam to Berlin and went back via Hamburg and Bremen. I made this video from the trip. (Amsterdam – Berlin) I hope you will enjoy the video and maybe get inspired to do it yourself. I didnt plan my trip, just…
Yesterday I was with my friend Jordi in Sydney, London, Berlin, Shanghai, Rio de Janairo, New York and Amsterdam 😉 Drink some beer and enjoy the weather! Open Your City. (more…)
Because i visit some tropical areas i need some serious vaccinations. I went to Meditel in Amsterdam for the whole advise. I needed three vaccinations. Yellow fever, Typhoid and Hepatitis A & B. After four week i’ve to visit de clinic again for a repeat vaccin. (more…)
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I’m an Online Marketing Specialist from Amsterdam who loves to cycle and go on adventures.
Promote your business online, create a new website, build an online marketing campaign and do your lead generation or use my network as an travel / outdoor influencer. Get in contact now!