Travel Blogger / Travel Influencer

Lets work together

I think we can help each other and get the best out of our target groups. I’m a positive thinking traveler that is looking for adventures and challenges. In 2014/2015 I backpacked 6 months in Asia, Cycled 5500 km through Europe. Did an 7000+ km road trip in Scandinavia and the Baltic States. Last 6 months is was in the Netherlands to create and implement a marketing strategy for a Dutch advertising agency.  The last two years I worked as a Marketing Manager for a fast growing Property Investment Company in Melbourne. Early 2018 I’ve decided to combine my knowledge and start consulting and travel the world.

How we can help each other

  • Hire me as a Online Marketing Consultant
  • Sponsored Post/Link
  • Advertisement
  • Product/App Review
  • Product/Gift Card Giveaway
  • Press trips
  • Promotional video
  • Sponsored message on social channel(s)

To be honest to other travelers. I always have my own opinion about products. When you are confident about the product you promote is that no problem right! I want to work together with brand to create the best results for both parties, do you have the same vision contact me and work together!

Brand partnership travelblog

I the past I did some brand partnerships with awesome brands that I’m absolutely supporting. Also did content collaborations with different brands and channels.

  • Futurumshop. (biggest cycling and running webshop in The Netherlands)
  • Thule, a world wide brand with a big product portfolio to make travel easier!
  • Van Duinkerken the leisure shop in the center of Holland.
  • FietsNED, the biggest organisation in The Netherlands about repair bicycles on every location.
  • Australian Open, Instagram content
  • National Basketball league Australia, Instagram content
  • GotU, Instagram video content
  • Vodka O, Instagram content
  • Public Transport Victoria, Instagram content
  • Grasshopper adventures Myanmar, Blog, Video, Pictures, Instagram
  • Mountainbiking Chiang Mai, Blog, Video, Pictures, Instagram
  • CM Custom Tailor Chiang Mai, Blog, Pictures, Instagram
  • San Tai Muay Thai gym in Chiang Mai, Blog, Video, Pictures, Instagram
  • X-centre Chiang Mai, Blog, Video, Pictures, Instagram
  • Flow House Bangkok, Blog, Video, Pictures, Instagram
  • Follow me Bike Tour Bangkok, Blog, Video, Pictures, Instagram
  • Real Rocks Climbing School, Blog, Video, Pictures, Instagram
  • Biking Singapore, Blog, Video, Pictures, Instagram

Why advertising on my travelblog

Advertising on travelblogI want to help and inspire people with my blog and travels and think about the long term. I’m focussing on organic grow and keep that up. Of course some situations with fast speed campaigns you have to take but I want to reach people in the channels they use at their moment. Since travelers are traveling with smartphone and tablets and wifi is available almost everywhere they use this source to make plans along the road and this will grow every year.

Advertise to travelers all over the world

Last year I had visitors from 176 different countries from all over the world!

Best articles on my travel website

The top 3 articles on my website are all things that I’ve done. A boat tour, an adventure park and a motorbike loop. Do you think I can write a great article about your place or activity just contact me!

Snapshot of the social statistics

If you want to know the website statistics just contact me.