How to get to Tad Jarou Halang – Tad Tayicseua waterfall? As Google sends you WRONG, this waterfall is hard to find. But for me the most beautiful waterfall I’ve ever seen, Im happy to to share the route! If you found him, please don’t be shy and leave a comment!…
Animal Friendly Elephant sanctuary Thailand: But which park is real animal-friendly? Which elephant park is animal-friendly in Thailand? If you don’t know check this list of Elephant friendly parks in Asia of the Animal World Protection. (more…)
Ultimate Todo list & hidden gems Chiang Mai based created while living in Chiang Mai to learn Muay Thai. My friends and I created this list for you with todo’s and hidden gems in Chiang Mai. Of course opinions are always different and if you’ve your favorite spots & activities in…
Everywhere in Chiang Mai you see Orange Bikes but How to use orange bike in Chiang Mai? I’m from Amsterdam and love to cycle, did a couple of cycling trips through Europe and miss a bike when I don’t have one. My solution in Chiang Mai are the Orange shared bikes!…
In March I arrived here in Australia on a WHV (Work Holiday Visa) the travel part wasn’t that hard and we did an amazing 17.000 km road trip through Australia. But of course, I have to work for my money. After a mini online campaign and contacting all the people I…
Everywhere in Cambodia you can go to a Cambodian shootingrange. You can shoot with small guns like revolvers to AK47 and rocketlaunchers. This Kiwi from New Zealand launched his rocket naked! (more…)
I stayed at the Mad Monkey Hostel in Phnom Penh and booked my ticket over there. There where 3 options to of busses. Local bus ($13), an touringcar($18) and a minivan($15). I took the touringcar with wifi and comfortable seats. It was leaving at 7 o’clock in the morning. (little bit…
Tip: Do the audio tour. Its $6 and with it! They have a lot of languages. Yesterday it was the most depressing day of my trip so far. In the ’70’s (’75 till ’79) one out of four Cambodians where killed by the Khmer Rouge. There are more than 20.00 mass…
Nice to see on the Boattrip Sihanoukville is the Absinthe distillery on a tropical island. We started our Boattrip Sihanoukville at Blame Canada beach bar at 10.30. It was a perfect time after a night out. There are different boattours from the beach but this one was nice! You’ll pay $15…
My stay at the Mad Monkey hostel in Phnom Penh was great. The real food is good the staff is nice en helpfull. The dorms rooms are clean and the bunkbeds are from steal an big! The matrasses are tick. Reception Mad Monkey The reception of the Mad Monkey hostel is…
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I’m an Online Marketing Specialist from Amsterdam who loves to cycle and go on adventures.
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