Travel tips

Cheap bonfire meals in Australia
AustraliaCountriesTravel tips

Cheap bonfire meals in Australia

At a lot of places in Australia you can make bonfires! They are awesome to cook on! Cheap bonfire meals in Australia A really easy meal to cook in the bonfire is to have patato’s, bacon and unions in one wrap of aluminum foil. Get some pepper and salt to finish…
Use Google Maps offline
TravelTravel tips

Use Google Maps offline

A lot of navigation apps are already offline. Now the biggest navigation app is going offline as well! Google Maps published a couple months ago that they also developing an real offline map. Today is the day, they are publishing the offline map. Starting on their own mobile software Android. And…
After backpack tag
TravelTravel tips

After backpack tag interview

Kind of similar to the Liebster award is the after backpack tag, Sigrid from nominated me to answer the questions. I think I’m not the average backpacker but I like to have adventures. cycling in Europe, backpack in Asia, work in Australia I don’t mind, just do it! (more…)
Backpack safety tips
TravelTravel tips

Backpack safety tips

A part of one of my studies was about safety. Human safety, safety for building and more. From that moment I check some situations. Just standard, can’t do anything about it. In combination with my travel trip I made a safety list for backpackers. Safety first so I think it is…
Cheap phone calls travel
TravelTravel tips

Cheap phone calls when you travel

When you travel and need to call someone you’ve serveral options. You can call with your normal phone, buy a simcard, use facetime or skype. (and a lot more) My tip to make cheap phonecalls on your traveltrip Do you want cheap phone calls on your traveltrip? To all the numbers…
backpacker diapers
TravelTravel tips

Backpacker and absorbent diapers

Sounds strange right? There is nothing wrong with me and my little friend down there but in my backpack I carry 6 absorbent diapers. Why? A friend of my gave me the tip just for my depart. So I bought 6 diapers at the HEMA shop. (7.50 euro) (more…)