
Above and below the line

Above and Below the Line

This week I got so much personal messages on Facebook and Instagram about the journey I’m in. Getting as fit as possible and making my dreams come through by being freelancer working remote. But most comments were about my commitment to my goals and questions how I motivate myself on daily…
Cycling Italian coast

How I started solo traveling

Today exactly 5 years ago I started my solo travel adventures, it all started with the #TourduPisa. Till this date I still have the picture of that trip as the background of my phone. It motivates me every day to get the most out of it. On a Saturday night I…
How To Skip the Small Talk and Connect With Anyone
TravelTravel Inspiration

How To Skip the Small Talk and Connect With Anyone

Kalina Silverman wanted to see what could happen if she approached strangers and skipped the small talk to have more meaningful conversations with them instead. She made a video documenting the experience. The stories she heard and the connections she made proved that there’s power in taking the time to stop…