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Cycling trough Bremen

Mouses on my nightstand

#tourdugermany Yesterday i went to the supermarket and get everything i like that moment. After a long night i wake up with mouses on my nightstand! Today a little bit boring stage with wind from the front I don’t had a reaction from my airbnb host. (she can react till 20.00)…
Hamburg by bike

Eat, bike, sleep repeat

#tourdugermany slept good tonight, stage of today: eat and cycle! Yesterday before i know i go out for a dinner i’ve been to the supermarket so i had enough to eat. For breakfast big dish of yoghurt 2 bananas and a sandwich. I still had 4 sandwiches turkey and a banana…
Cycle trough Germany

Strange wake-up today

#tourdugermany Its crazy to wake up when you hear some sounds like sheaps, goats, chicken birds and smell hey and sees the rooftop of a farmershouse. A lot of bad roads today, i was lucky that i had my personal Tony Martin (aka Pfanzerwagen) in front of me. Review of my…

8 person bed for myself!

#tourdugermany Tonight i slept in an „VAN” i slept till 9.45 thats a record this holiday. The first two hours properly better biked with diving glasses and a water bike but i was awake. (thats what i tought) At the „address” of the hostel i was in the middle of nowhere,…
Cycle trough Germany

Full moon bike ride

#tourdugermany open letter to the organization of the tour: Please no full-moon rides any more. I understand that the marketing department the full moon rides has introduced because of the new target group. But if you ask me, it is to dangerous for the riders. The new target group like squirrels,…
Berlin by bike

Last stage to Berlin! Beer!

#tourdugermany Slept real good in the treasure room of a grandma. Today i had a easy 50km ride to Berlin with i little selfie tour. Today is the birthday of Marieke and Jessica so for every 10 year i’ll drink a beer, cheers!! (more…)

Sisters birthday!

#tourdugermany Yesterdag i ate a good meal at the hostel. Today its my sister Annemiek’s birthday, 30 BAM! Because i can’t celebrate the birthday together i’ll eat a cake for every 10 years. Today it was a 126km stage in a nice environment. I had to watch out for the blackberry…
Bike trough Germany

6.5 hours spinning course with cobble stones

Yesterday had a relax evening. If i had to describe the stage of today it was a 6.5 hour spinning course with $%^&*( steep hills and strokes of cobblestones who are even worthless as in the tour Parijs Roubaix. Tonight i will take care of my ass with some Nivea balsem.…
Bike trough Germany

Hills for breakfast

#tourdugermany Tonight i slept like a baby. After a compulsory trip trough the city i found the right way to get out. Hills for breakfast with mountainbiketrails! The weather was perfect for cycling, finally i’ve seen the sun also. Today i cycled 190km. Now im relaxing in the trailer, the host…
Bike trough Germany
CountriesEuropeGermanyThe Netherlands

TourduGermany first stage 211km!

#tourdugermany Today it the tour! The stage was originally 160km to Paderborn but the train won’t go further so ik had to ride 211 km today. Tonight i booked a room by airbnb on a university. only 11 euro’s. Tomorrow i’ll sleep in a retro 70’s trailer with campfire! Would you…