On my cyclingtrip through Germany I slept in the “Bed and Breakfast” of Hans and Anne that is situated in the small village of Buchhorst, belonging to the town of Lauenburg. Lauenburg is a small town near the Elbe. So the Bed and Breakfast is perfect for cyclists who are cycling…
Update #tourdupisa: Today i started at 9 and i stopped at 9 with enough climbing work, wauw! I had the find the right ritm but after that is was nice. Ive seen the 3 country zone France Germany Swiss. I biked trough Basel, after Basel i met a Dutch sportdocter he…
Update #tourdupisa: This morning two big German guys waked me up bij snoring around real loud. That was for me the good moment to get a breakfast. But when i arrived at the breakfast room there where already 100 Chinese children in the line $%^&*. After the breakfast packed my bag…
Update #tourdupisa: 7.00 out of bed, get a breakfast „all i can eat” 8.00 back on my bike. Damn my ass! First climb was hard see pictures. After an hour i had the ritme, after two days 160km + i need a good big meal. Oa kwark and Pasta. Does somebody…
Update #tourdupisa: The day had a good start i get a lead out from the grandpa of Jan Ullrich i think. At 14.00 i was already at the place i would sleep. So i cycled a little further to Mainz. Difficult to get a nice hostel or camping so i checked…
Update #tourdupisa: Arrived in Bonn, Tonight i’ll sleep in a train 🙂
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