how to Facebook in China
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How to go on Facebook / Twitter in China

When you’re in China Facebook and Google services are blocked. (And a lot of other websites aswell*)But there are some ways to still keep in touch with your facebook friends and update your status. The most easy way is to install a VPN. I tried several VPN’s and I think “Hide my ass VPN” works good. When you’re using a VPN you can pretend that you’re in an other coutry so Facebook and Twitter aren’t blocked anymore. You can use several devices with one account. It will work on desktop as on mobile aswell.  You get the VPN for a month, 6 months and 12 months.

Click here to try Hide my ass VPN!

Best way to get fast Facebook in China

Tip. When you’re in China you can set the VPN on South Korea or Russia. That VPN’s are the closest to China so the connection is probably the best.

List of blocked websites in China

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