Buy a motorbike in Hanoi / Buy a motorbike in Ho Chi Minh?
When you’re not a mechanic it is hard to get the right motorbike in Vietnam. in this article I want to give you some information how to buy a motorbike in Vietnam.
Where can you buy a motorbike in Vietnam?
The easiest places to buy and sell your motorbike are Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi. Because a lot of backpackers/travelers do the Ho Chi Ming Trail from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh or visa versa. In Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi you can get to District one and buy or sell your bike over there.
What do you need to know before you buy a motorbike in Vietnam?
Riding in the city’s and on the A1 highway is difficult but when you’re on the Ho Chi Ming Highway/ Trail it is easy riding. Always be focussed because the trucks and busses can driving on the wromg side of the road. But when you like riding a motorbike it is one of the best things you can do in Vietnam. But still when you know were you’re looking for it is a gable to pick the right bike. When you never drove a motorbike before take a lesson from a friend of colleague at the hostel.
What to look do when you but your motorbike in Vietnam
- Bluecard (framenumber, numberplate owner licence)
- Tires (good profile)
- No oil leak
- Lights working? (Headlight, backlight, brakelight)
- Indicators working? (Front and back?)
- Motor sounds and runs oke? Even in nutral
- No cheap repears visable
- Is the rack sturdy enough
- Are the handlebars stable
- Are breakes working properly
- How does the bike gear
- Is the frame stable
- How are the springs?
- Make sure the chain is tight
Do the testdrive on the motorbike and check the list above. When you have other good tips about riding a motorbike in Vietnam write them in the comments.
I hope you’ve a good experience riding your bike in Vietnam!