Sell motorbike Hanoi
Asia, Countries, Vietnam
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Sell motorbikes in Hanoi to backpackers

Hopefully I can help you with my experience to sell or buy your motorbike in Vietnam. (hanoi or Ho Chi Minh)

Sell your motorbike in Hanoi

I sold my motorbike today in Hanoi. One guy in the street of the Backpackers Hostel in Hanoi had the best offer. It is hard to sell your bike when it is cloudy and cold. But I got almost the price I wanted. The best is to sell your motorbike in Hanoi (Vietnam) to a backpacker. But when you are running out of time you can go to this guy. He normally buys motorbikes between 150 and 200 depending on the condition of the motorbike.

Sell your motorbike Hanoi

We sold these beauties who brought us all up. I cry myself to sleep tonight πŸ˜‰

Buy a motorbike in Hanoi

In the same street you can but motorbikes to get up to Ho Chi Minh or just go ride a bike in Vietnam. In my opinion it is easier to sell your motorbike in Ho Chi Minh than sell your motorbike in Hanoi ) because the most of the time the weather is nicer and more inviting to ride a bike.

Rent a Motorbike in Hanoi

When you don’t want to buy your own motorbike you can easily rent a motorbike. There are several shops where you can do it. I trust the guy where I sold my bike. I would rent a motorbike over there. Good helmets etc.

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