Category : Travel

Motivation, Travel

HERO – Motivational Video

Motivation monday! Do what you want to do šŸ™‚

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Ten steps happier life
Travel, Travel Inspiration

Ten steps to happiness!

Ups and downs, everybody has them in life. Live happier, is it hard? Follow the steps below for a happier life šŸ˜€

  1. Complain less, appreciate more.
  2. Watch less, do more.
  3. Judge less, accept more
  4. Fear less, try more
  5. Talk less, listen more
  6. Frawn less, smile more
  7. Consume less, create more
  8. Take less, give more
  9. Worry less, dance more
  10. Hate less, love more
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Everytime when you’re in a bad situation and you can find humor. You will win!

Let’s do what we love and do a lot of it!

Marc Jacobs

Travel while you’re young and able. Don’t worry about the money, just make it work. Experience is far more valuable than money will ever be.

Don’t wait for a good day, make one!

One day you wake up and you realize that there is no more time to do what you always wanted to do. Do it now.

Paulo Coelho
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